This spring,
let’s rediscover the Liangma River.
Standingon the prow and gazingafar,
you will see 24 distinctivebridgesin sequence.
Take a close look and you will find that
each bridge is given a unique name.
Youyi(Friendship) Bridge,Maijia Bridge,Haoyun(Good Fortune) Bridgeand other bridgesfeaturefour major themes:
International Style,Ancient Capital Style,
Artof Chinese Gardensand Natural Beauty.
They’re telling their storiesto people.
Today,let’s get to know them.
It is adjacent to Yansha Friendship Mallandthe Destiny Community Plaza.Together,theysymbolizethelastingfriendship between Beijing andthe rest of the world.
Maizidian Sub-district, where the bridge is located, is a window to the worldforBeijing’sChaoyang District.
Thebridge is said to bringgoodfortune to people when they cross and it’s close toHaoyunStreet International Food Late Night Canteenand is full of life at night.
The bridge, namely,the blue dream bridge, is a romantic sceneof the SOLANA. It has a dreamlike touch to it after upgrading. Young people often comehere to enjoy the river viewand take pictures.
紧邻亮马河国际古玩城, “琉璃”又体现古都京韵文化,且寓意朝阳景色“玳瑁凝春色,琉璃漾水波”。
The bridgeis close tothe Liangma Antique Market.Liuli, its name,bothrepresents Beijing’s cultural heritage and symbolizes the rising sun of Chaoyang District reflected in the river.
This was the location of the Imperial Stable during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The bridgegetsits name because horses were cleaned and dried hereat that time.
The bridge, meaning scenery watching bridge, getsits name from the Chinese classic Mencius.Itis graceful in designand locals often come here to watch the beautiful river scene. The meaning behindthe name isthatpeople should eagerly explore the unknown.
The bridgeis located inBeijing ChaoyangPark, formerly Shuiduizi Park, amid a large body of water and a nice environment. It stands as a witness to the past changes in the area.
The bridge was built to commemoratethe 2008 Olympic beach volleyball match held here. Bisha, its name, is from a classic Chinese poem, meaning thatthe water is so clear that the sand grainsat its bottom are visible like pearls.
The name of the bridge, meaning shining like light, is from the ancient Chinese classic TheTao-te Ching. Itmeansthat activepursuit of development and creativityandall are equalwhen it comes to the applicationof basic principles.
The bridge gets its name from a line of Chinese scholarZhu Xi (1130-1200)’s poem:“How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source.” It also implies that constant learningwill create vigor.
The bridgestands besides a waterfall and rocks andconnectsSakura Valley, hence its name means the spring valley.
The first part of the name of the bridge, Yan, refers to an ancient kingdom of Yan in this area, bringing back memory of thebeginning of the city.
The bridge has its name, the rainbow, from a poem by Li Bai, thefamous Chinese poet(701-762).There is a rainbow fountain in the Century Fountain Square on the west side of the bridge, where visitors often take pictures.
It is near the front gate ofPrince Shuncheng’s Mansion.The name Wuyang, according toI Ching: Book of Changes, means facing the sun.
The three bridges located in front ofthe main gate of Prince Jun’s Mansion are named after the main hall in the mansion - Yin’an Hall.
The bridge gets the name from a Chinese saying, “The marsh nourishes all the thingsand brings abundant food and resources to the people.”Crossingthe river on the south road of Agricultural Exhibition Hall, it implies thatwater nourishes the landand bringsprosperity.
The bridge gets its namefrom a saying in The Grand Scribe’s Records,an ancient Chinese classic, “Only when the granary is fullwillpeople learnetiquette; only when people are well-fed and clothed willthey know honor and shame.”In the nearbyLiulitunvillage are the ruinsof a terrace builtduring the eastern expeditionbyEmperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
This is the end of the two lakes connecting canals. It gets its name from a line of Chinese scholar Zhu Xi (1130-1200)’s poem: “How can it be so clear and cool? For water fresh comes from its source.”It implies that those who are open-minded to different ideas and opinionscan keep abreast of the times and generate unique thoughts.
Its namecomesfrom a line ofTheBook of Songs:“as if the waxing moon are becoming full, as if the sun are rising”. It wishes young peoplevitality and a brightfuture.
The Honglingjin Lake, where the bridge is located,is shaped like a heart, which means “stay true to your original aspiration and keep your mission firmly in mind.”
The bridge is located in Balitaiarea, where textile industry was the pillar industry in the old days. The meaning of its name is brocade, a symbol ofpeople’s longing for a better life.