2023年“欢乐春节”文艺盛典 2023 "Happy Chinese New Year" Online Gala_北京时间

2023年“欢乐春节”文艺盛典 2023 "Happy Chinese New Year" Online Gala

2023年海外“欢乐春节”文艺盛典将于春节期间在中国、芬兰、爱沙尼亚、希腊、比利时、加拿大等地隆重播出。各国友人漫步中轴线、共贺中国年,文艺演出、非遗民俗逐一呈现,进一步加强北京与赫尔辛基、塔林、雅典、渥太华和布鲁塞尔等海外友城的交流合作。"Happy Chinese New Year"Online Gala will be launched in China,Finland,Estonia,Greece,Belgium,Canada during Spring Festival in 2023. Foreign friends visit Beijing to enjoy festive vibe along with performances and intangible cultural heritage. The Gala strengthens cooperation and exchanges between Beijing and cities as Helsinki,Tallinn,Athens,Ottawa and Brussels.

2023年“欢乐春节”文艺盛典 2023 "Happy Chinese New Year" Online Gala

2023年“欢乐春节”文艺盛典 2023 "Happy Chinese New Year" Online Gala

2023年海外“欢乐春节”文艺盛典将于春节期间在中国、芬兰、爱沙尼亚、希腊、比利时、加拿大等地隆重播出。各国友人漫步中轴线、共贺中国年,文艺演出、非遗民俗逐一呈现,进一步加强北京与赫尔辛基、塔林、雅典、渥太华和布鲁塞尔等海外友城的交流合作。"Happy Chinese New Year"Online Gala will be launched in China,Finland,Estonia,Greece,Belgium,Canada during Spring Festival in 2023. Foreign friends visit Beijing to enjoy festive vibe along with performances and intangible cultural heritage. The Gala strengthens cooperation and exchanges between Beijing and cities as Helsinki,Tallinn,Athens,Ottawa and Brussels.

2023年“欢乐春节”文艺盛典 2023 "Happy Chinese New Year" Online Gala
